ThumbnailLength 3284
ISO (2) 2540
Compression JPEG (old-style)
ExposureDifference -1.8
MCUVersion 118
ShootingInfoMonitorOffTime10 s
GPSAltitude (1) 234 m
FNumber 4.0
YResolution (2) 240
SubSecTime 75
MakerNoteVersion 2.10
MaxApertureAtMinFocal 4.0
Gamma 2.2
ExposureCompStepSize 1/3 EV
MaxFocalLength 604.1 mm
ProgramShift 0
Artist Olav Thokle
MemoryCardNumber 0
SceneType Directly photographed
WhiteBalanceFineTune 0 0
FuncButton None
FlashpixVersion 0100
AFPointSelection 11 Points
TimeZone +02:00
ExposureCompensation 0
ExposureProgram Manual
FocusTrackingLockOn 3 (Normal)
ImageAuthentication Off
CropHiSpeed Off (4288x2844 cropped to 4288x2844 at pixel 0,0)
CustomSettingsBank A
AFFineTune On (2)
MeteringMode Center-weighted average
ReverseIndicators + 0 -
AFOnButton AF Lock Only
SerialNumber 2014585
DirectoryNumber 113
GPSSatellites 11
ModelingFlash On
AFAperture 4.0
LensDataVersion 0204
WB_GRBGLevels 256 565 300 256
ISO2 2540
FileNumber 8090
Saturation (1) Normal
ShootingInfoDisplay Auto
RearDisplay ISO
MultiSelectorLiveView Start Movie Recording
ShutterCount (1) 64406
ISO (1) 2500
ExposureBracketValue 0
ExifVersion 0230
Beep Off
Flash No Flash
ISOSetting 2500
FuncButtonPlusDials None
Saturation Normal
SceneCaptureType Standard
MaxApertureAtMaxFocal 4.0
ResolutionUnit (2) inches
WB_RBLevels 2.20703125 1.171875 1 1
ResolutionUnit (3) inches
CenterWeightedAreaSize 12 mm
ExifImageWidth 1200
VRInfoVersion 0100
CHModeShootingSpeed 11 fps
WhiteBalance Auto
ContrastDetectAF Off
MultiExposureVersion 0100
ISOExpansion2 Off
ExposureControlStepSize 1/3 EV
GPSTimeStamp 18:48:33
Sharpness Normal
LensType D
DynamicAFArea 21 Points
RetouchHistory None
ISO 2500
AFPointsUsed (none)
FocusPointWrap Wrap
AutoBracketOrder 0,-,+
PrimaryAFPoint C6 (Center)
ShootingMode Continuous
ViewfinderDisplay Exposures Remaining
SensingMethod One-chip color area
InternalFlash TTL
MeteringTime 4 s
ComponentsConfiguration Y, Cb, Cr, -
PreviewButtonPlusDials None
GPSDateStamp 2012:07:30
VignetteControl Normal
PlaybackMonitorOffTime 10 s
Sharpness (1) 3
CreateDate 2012:07:30 21:48:42
XResolution 240
VibrationReduction Off
ShotInfoVersion 0218
FlashMode Did Not Fire
ImageReviewTime 4 s
FlashSyncSpeed 1/250 s (auto FP)
MonitorOffTime 10 s
ExifImageHeight 798
FocusDistance 35.48 m
MultiSelector Reset Meter-off Delay
ThumbnailOffset 10326
Lens 600mm f/4
ScreenTips Off
GPSLongitudeRef East
ImageArea FX (36x24)
GPSLatitude (1) 64 deg 3' 42.71"
ResolutionUnit inches
MinFocalLength 604.1 mm
AFActivation Shutter/AF-On
AFPointIllumination On in Continuous Shooting and Manual Focusing
MenuMonitorOffTime 20 s
MaxApertureValue 4.0
FocalLength (1) 604.1 mm
FileInfoVersion 0100
SubjectDistanceRange Unknown
PictureControlBase Standard
HueAdjustment None
AF-CPrioritySelection Release
AFInfo2Version 0100
Software Capture NX 2.2.6 M
FileNumberSequence On
YResolution (3) 240
GPSLongitude (1) 30 deg 30' 24.23"
ContrastDetectAFInFocus No
ExposureTime 1/125
ShutterCount 64406
GainControl High gain up
NoMemoryCard Release Locked
InitialZoomSetting High Magnification
DigitalZoomRatio 1
Brightness Normal
CFAPattern [Red,Green][Green,Blue]
ModifyDate 2012:08:01 06:55:-33554432
Compression (1) JPEG (old-style)
GPSLatitudeRef North
FineTuneOptSpotMetering 0
VRMode Normal
IFD0_Offset 10202
LensIDNumber 112
AELockButtonPlusDials None
HighISONoiseReduction Off
EffectiveMaxAperture 4.0
MultiSelectorShootMode Select Center Focus Point
AssignBktButton Multiple Exposure
ThumbnailImage (Binary data)
FocusMode AF-C
CustomRendered Normal
PreviewIFD_Offset 10102
NEFBitDepth 14
ExposureDelayMode Off
FlashShutterSpeed 1/60 s
ExposureTuning 0
FilterEffect n/a
SubSecTimeDigitized 75
FirmwareVersion 1.01c
MultiSelectorPlaybackModeZoom On/Off
YResolution 240
PreviewButton Preview
YCbCrCoefficients 0.299 0.587 0.114
MaxContinuousRelease 130
PhaseDetectAF On (51-point)
Quality RAW
PreviewImageStart 13610
AFFineTuneAdj -10
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 600 mm
DaylightSavings Yes
ImageDataSize 294940
MultiExposureShots 0
AutoBracketModeM Flash Only
DateTimeOriginal 2012:07:30 21:48:42
AF-SPrioritySelection Release
AutoBracketSet AE & Flash
Contrast (1) Normal
ExitPupilPosition 157.5 mm
PreviewImageLength 38988
ExposureMode Manual
AFAreaMode Dynamic Area (21 points)
PrimaryChromaticities 0.64 0.33 0.21 0.71 0.15 0.06
PhotoInfoPlayback Info Up-down, Playback Left-right
ISO2 (1) 2540
PictureControlAdjust Default Settings
MultiExposureMode Off
InitialZoomLiveView Low Magnification
VerticalAFOnButton Same as AF On
XResolution (2) 240
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
FocusPosition 0x11
PreviewImage (Binary data)
ISOExpansion Off
AFFineTuneIndex 1
GPSMapDatum WGS 84
NikonCaptureVersion Capture NX 2.2.6 M
ColorSpace Uncalibrated
FocalLength 600.0 mm
ToningEffect n/a
SelfTimerTime 2 s
Copyright olav@thokle.no
YCbCrPositioning Centered
LensFStops 5.00
CommandDialsApertureSettingSub-command Dial
ContrastCurve (Binary data)
LCDIllumination Off
MultiExposureAutoGain Off
ReferenceBlackWhite 0 255 0 255 0 255
RawImageCenter 2143 1422
GPSAltitudeRef Above Sea Level
PictureControlVersion 0100
PictureControlName Standard
CLModeShootingSpeed 5 fps
DateDisplayFormat D/M/Y
ColorSpace (1) Adobe RGB
ReleaseButtonToUseDial No
WhitePoint 0.313 0.329
Contrast Normal
NoiseReduction Off
WhiteBalance (1) Auto
LensFStops (1) 5.00
SubSecTimeOriginal 75
ToningSaturation n/a
AELockButton Flash Off
ISOStepSize 1/3 EV
ActiveD-Lighting Off
AFPointBrightness Normal
LightSource Unknown
FileSource Digital Camera