ISOSetting 500
AFStatus_69_D11 Out of Focus
DynamicRangeOptimizer (3)Standard
SonyModelID ILCA-68
LensType Sony DT 55-200mm F4-5.6 SAM (SAL55200-2)
MPImageType (1) Baseline MP Primary Image
MPImageFlags Dependent child image
AFStatus_26_A7_Vertical Out of Focus
LensModel DT 55-200mm F4-5.6 SAM
FileModifyDate 2017:07:17 11:06:41+02:00
AFStatus_17_E2 Back Focus (+163)
AFStatus_78_G10 Back Focus (+31)
SceneCaptureType Standard
SequenceLength 1 file
SequenceNumber Single
LensMount (1) A-mount
AFStatus_59_A5 Out of Focus
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SequenceImageNumber (1) 1
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AFStatus_43_C7 Back Focus (+47)
LongExposureNoiseReductionOn (unused)
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FacesDetected 0
LensSpec DT 55-200mm F4-5.6 SAM
FileFormat ARW 2.3.1
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AFStatus_31_C5_Vertical Out of Focus
StopsAboveBaseISO 2.3
AFStatus_23_E1 Out of Focus
FOV 24.8 deg
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PreviewImageSize 1616x1080
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SonyDateTime 2017:07:10 21:10:13
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AFStatus_24_F1 Out of Focus
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AFStatus_90_E8 Back Focus (+25)
AFStatus_33_E6_Center_VerticalOut of Focus
Sharpness (2) -1
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AFStatus_30_C6_Vertical Out of Focus
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AFStatus_89_D8 Back Focus (+38)
AFStatus_14_B2 Out of Focus
Saturation Normal
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FocusDistance2 13.12 m
AFStatus_27_A6_Vertical Out of Focus
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ExposureTime 1/50
BrightnessValue 6.20078125
AFStatus_57_H6 Back Focus (+107)
MPImageFormat JPEG
AFStatus_42_B7 Back Focus (+75)
ExifVersion 0231
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ImageDescription (1)
AFStatus_20_H2 Out of Focus
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AFStatus_80_B9 Back Focus (+69)
ShutterCount 811
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AFStatus_72_G11 Out of Focus
BaseISO 100
AFStatus_65_G5 Back Focus (+131)
BatteryTemperature 39.4 C
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CameraOrientation Horizontal (normal)
Contrast High
DateTimeOriginal 2017:07:08 22:22:41
ExifImageWidth 6000
AFStatus_85_G9 Back Focus (+42)
AFStatus_60_B5 Back Focus (+53)
Software PlayMemories Home
AFStatusActiveSensor Out of Focus
DynamicRangeOptimizer (2)Auto
AFStatus_00_B4 Back Focus (+107)
PictureEffect Off
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AFStatus_44_D7 Back Focus (+71)
AFStatus_32_E7_Vertical Out of Focus
AFStatus_70_E11 Out of Focus
AFStatus_05_G4 Back Focus (+156)
SonyMaxApertureValue 4.2
FlashStatus Built-in Flash present
ReleaseMode3 Normal
HyperfocalDistance 13.65 m
AFStatus_54_E6_Center Out of Focus
MetaVersion DC7303320222000
AFStatus_76_E10 Back Focus (+11)
LensFormat APS-C
AFPointsUsed (1) E7
AFStatus_09_D3 Back Focus (+121)
MPImageType Large Thumbnail (full HD equivalent)
SequenceFileNumber 1
AFStatus_45_E7 Out of Focus
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AFStatus_39_I6_Vertical Back Focus (+83)
AFStatus_38_I7_Vertical Out of Focus
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SonyMaxAperture 4.1
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MPImageFlags (1) Representative image, Dependent parent image
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LensID Sony DT 55-200mm F4-5.6 SAM (SAL55200-2)
DependentImage2EntryNumber (1)0
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AFStatus_18_F2 Out of Focus
AFStatus_92_G8 Back Focus (+63)
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AFStatus_34_E5_Vertical Out of Focus
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ShutterSpeed 1/50
ReleaseMode2 (1) Normal
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AFStatus_15_C2 Back Focus (+79)
ExposureTime (1) 1/50
AFStatus_21_C1 Out of Focus
AFStatus_11_F3 Back Focus (+129)
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SonyImageHeightMax 4016
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AFStatus_19_G2 Back Focus (+232)
AFStatus_22_D1 Out of Focus
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AFStatus_74_C10 Front Focus (-6)
AFStatus_68_C11 Out of Focus
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AFStatus_25_G1 Out of Focus
AFStatus_51_B6 Back Focus (+174)
FocusPosition2 197
AFStatus_37_G5_Vertical Out of Focus
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ExposureProgram (4) Shutter speed priority AE
CreateDate 2017:07:08 22:22:41
AFStatus_75_D10 Back Focus (+11)
ExifByteOrder Little-endian (Intel, II)
LensFormat (1) APS-C
ShutterCount3 811
AFStatus_10_E3 Back Focus (+108)
Flash Off, Did not fire
AFStatus_73_B10 Out of Focus
ExposureProgram Shutter speed priority AE
FileInodeChangeDate 2020:03:25 20:19:46+01:00
AFStatus_86_H9 Back Focus (+19)
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AFStatus_28_A5_Vertical Out of Focus
ISOAutoMin 100
CustomRendered Normal
AFStatus_40_I5_Vertical Out of Focus
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ISO 500
AFPoint E7
LensType (1) Sony DT 55-200mm F4-5.6 SAM (SAL55200-2)
AFStatus_66_H5 Back Focus (+93)
MinFocalLength 55.0 mm
PreviewImage (Binary data)
AFPointAtShutterRelease (none)
ModifyDate 2017:07:10 21:10:13
Anti-Blur On (Shooting)
FlashMode Fill-flash
SelfTimer Off
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Model ILCA-68
AFAreaModeSetting Zone
AFStatus_71_F11 Out of Focus
AFStatus_83_E9 Back Focus (+49)
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Quality2 JPEG
AFStatus_64_F5 Back Focus (+69)
PictureProfile (1) Gamma Still - Vivid
SequenceImageNumber 1
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ResolutionUnit inches
AFStatus_88_C8 Back Focus (+74)
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AFStatus_53_D6 Out of Focus
WhiteBalanceFineTune 0
AFStatus_63_E5 Back Focus (+88)
LightSource Unknown
Software (1) ILCA-68 v1.00
ExposureProgram (1) Shutter speed priority AE
DistortionCorrParamsNumber11 (APS-C)
StopsAboveBaseISO (1) 2.3
Sharpness (1) -1
ExposureMode (1) Shutter speed priority AE
MeteringMode Center-weighted average
AFStatus_07_B3 Out of Focus
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AFStatus_84_F9 Back Focus (+51)
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AFStatus_01_C4 Back Focus (+145)
AFStatus_94_E6_Center_F2-8Out of Focus
ReleaseMode Normal
AFStatus_55_F6 Back Focus (+22)
AFStatus_16_D2 Back Focus (+133)
AFStatus_36_G6_Vertical Out of Focus
VignettingCorrParams 0 16 64 144 256 400 584 800 1048 1320 1616 0 0 0 0 0
PictureEffect2 Off
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LensMount (2) A-mount
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AFStatus_02_D4 Back Focus (+96)
ExifImageHeight 4000
AFStatus_77_F10 Back Focus (+29)
AFStatus_62_D5 Back Focus (+61)
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AFStatus_81_C9 Back Focus (+53)
ZoneMatching ISO Setting Used
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AFStatus_50_A6 Out of Focus
AFStatus_61_C5 Back Focus (+65)
HighISONoiseReduction Normal
MPImageFormat (1) JPEG
YCbCrPositioning Co-sited
AFStatus_82_D9 Back Focus (+28)
LensType (2) Sony DT 55-200mm F4-5.6 SAM (SAL55200-2)
MPImageLength 480194
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AFStatus_41_A7 Out of Focus
SonyISO 505
LensMount A-mount
AFStatus_58_I6 Out of Focus
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 82 mm
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AFStatus_08_C3 Back Focus (+155)
ReleaseMode2 (3) Normal
AFStatus_03_E4 Back Focus (+83)
AFStatus_46_F7 Back Focus (+65)
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PrintIMVersion 0300
AFStatus_04_F4 Back Focus (+132)
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AFStatus_52_C6 Back Focus (+113)
ImageStabilization On
ColorMode Landscape
SonyImageHeight 4000
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AFStatus_87_B8 Back Focus (+64)
FocalLength 55.0 mm
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FlashAction Did not fire
DistortionCorrParams (1)0 -1 -7 -16 -30 -46 -67 -90 -119 -149 -184 0 0 0 0 0
ModelReleaseYear 2014
AFStatus_06_H4 Back Focus (+184)
SonyImageHeight (1) 4000
LensType (3) Sony DT 55-200mm F4-5.6 SAM (SAL55200-2)
AFStatus_47_G7 Back Focus (+51)
ImageSize 6000x4000
AFStatus_56_G6 Back Focus (+118)
PictureEffect2 (1) Off
AFStatus_79_H10 Out of Focus
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AFStatus_67_I5 Out of Focus
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AFStatus_29_C7_Vertical Out of Focus
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AFStatus_12_G3 Back Focus (+160)
ThumbnailImage (Binary data)
BlueBalance 1.515625
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SensitivityType Recommended Exposure Index
Shutter Mechanical (3213 5514 6293)
MeteringMode (1) Center-weighted average
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AFStatus_91_F8 Back Focus (+78)
AFStatus_35_G7_Vertical Out of Focus
ExposureCompensation 0
FileAccessDate 2024:10:23 12:14:05+02:00
AFStatus_13_H3 Back Focus (+176)
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ResolutionUnit (1) inches
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PictureProfile Gamma Still - Vivid
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FileTypeExtension jpg
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